There is a lot of money available for students to support their post-secondary schooling/training. You can apply for local scholarships (from local organizations), national level scholarships and even ones from the college/university. Verify with each university/college of interest what types of scholarships are available.
Scholarship applications (like college applications) are usually very different and due at many different times. Some require various items like letters of recommendation, resumes, counselor evaluations, essays, or even photos. Some colleges use the entrance application as their scholarship applications; some require a separate application. It is important to know what the schools require for scholarship applications and the deadlines. There is no flexibility with college scholarship applications and deadlines. Everything must be done well and on-time. If a student needs a counselor or teacher recommendation, a transcript, or anything else from Roncalli Catholic, requests must be made at least two weeks in advance. It can take several hours to write a good recommendation, so the more notice the better.
General Scholarship Information/Links:
Scholarship Scams: The Federal Trade Commission established this site to help protect you.
FastWeb: Find scholarship money for a college, over 1.3 million scholarship possibilities.
Collegeboard Scholarship Search: Thousands of sources, matches students with scholarships. Match students individual talents, abilities and interest to relevant scholarships. More than 3,000 sources plus a FAFSA guide.
In late fall and in the spring, students will hopefully begin receiving award letters. This comes from the college or scholarship committee stating the scholarship award, the amount, and any additional information. Students will need to bring a copy of the letter into the Guidance Office to be recognized for their accomplishments. These will be listed in the Omaha World-Herald in May and at the Awards Assembly at RCHS. Without an award letter, students will not be recognized for the scholarship so it is important to bring the award letters in as they arrive.