Shadow Visit
Shadow a Roncalli Catholic student
Any junior high or high school student wishing to spend the day at Roncalli Catholic High School with a current student must have his/her parents contact the Director of Recruitment at least one day prior to the day he/she plans to visit.
Only students with a serious interest in attending Roncalli Catholic will be allowed to visit. The only exception will be if there is an out-of-town visitor staying with a Roncalli Catholic family.
All visitors must report to the office for a visitor pass, once all other formalities have been handled.
Visitors must comply with all rules of conduct in the Roncalli Catholic Student Handbook and must be dressed appropriately (NO jeans, t-shirts or questionable clothing will be allowed). The Director of Recruitment or an Administrator has the right to deny admittance to any visitor or ask the visitor to leave the premises, if any guidelines are violated.
School Contact: Dana Boswell 402-571-7670 ext. 105 or
Schedule a shadow visit here
FAQ about Shadowing
- How much advance notice is needed?
- Who can set up a school visit?
- Are there half or full day restrictions?
- Is there a restriction as to who can shadow in regards to grade level?
- Is there a limit on the number of times that a student may shadow in the same school year?
- May the “Shadowee” have more than one visitor at a time?
- Lunch costs?
- Restricted dates?
- Drop off & pick up policy:
- What should a visitor bring or not bring?